New Lost Final Season 6 Spoilers! “Destiny Found”

Episode 6.03 – What Kate Does – Press Release

“What Kate Does” – Kate finds herself on the run, while Jack is tasked with something that could endanger a friend’s life, on “Lost,” TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
“Lost” stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Ben, Jeff Fahey as Frank Lapidus, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Terry O’Quinn as Locke and Zuleikha Robinson as Ilana.
“What Kate Does” was written by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz and directed by Paul Edwards.
Source: ABC

Upcoming Episode Spoilers – Some Big Ones

Hurley speaks to someone very close to Richard’s past and conveys this person’s message to Richard. Definite tearjerker on par with when we first meet Bernand and he finds out Rose is okay in season 2.
– Man in Black has a true nemesis – and it’s not Jacob.
-“Happily Ever After” marks Desmond’s full return – his centric episode as well. His “flash-sideways” feature Charlie, Daniel, Penny, Mommy, Jack, Widmore, and Claire. Widmore and Desmond share some of that famous scotch. Des has to make a very, very big sacrifice.
– “Everybody Loves Hugo” marks the return of Libby and Michael. Michael is a ghost on island and Libby and Hurley date in his “flash-sideways.” Locke gets run over. Man can’t catch a break, can he?
Source: DarkUFO

Widmore, Ben, Locke, Jacob, Man in Black… will we ever find out who the good guys really are on Lost?
MICKEY: We asked Josh Holloway, who portrays Sawyer, one ethically complicated dude, what he thinks. “I think the whole beauty of this show and the intrigue has been the constant question of what is good and what is bad and what is right or wrong,” he says. “That is the entire crux of the show, so no, you’re never going to get a clear picture. You’re going to be left with that question to answer for yourself.” Next you’ll be telling me the numbers are just… numbers!
Source: TV Guide

Latest from DocJensen – Damon and Carlton Answers

EW: The whole idea of flash-sideways and the plan to use season 6 to show us a world where Oceanic 815 never crashed — how long has that been in the works? Why did you want to do it?
DAMON LINDELOF: It’s been in play for at least a couple of years. We knew that the ending of the time travel season was going to be an attempt to reboot. And as a result, we [knew] the audience was going to come out of the “do-over moment” thinking we were either going start over or just say it didn’t work and continue on. [We thought] wouldn’t it be great if we did both? That was the origin of the story.
CARLTON CUSE: We thought just doing one [of those options] would inherently not be satisfying. Since the very beginning of the show, characters started crossing through each other’s stories. Part of our desire [in season 6] is to show that there’s still this kind of weave, that these characters still would have impacted each other’s lives even without the event of crashing on the Island. Obviously, the big question of the season is going to be: How do these [two timelines] reconcile? However, for the fans who have not watched the show closely, that’s an intact narrative. You can just watch the flash sideways — they stand alone all by themselves. For the fans who are more deeply embedded in the show, you can watch those flash sideways, compare them to what transpired in the flashbacks and go, “Oh, that’s an interesting difference.”
LINDELOF: Right out of the gate, in the first five minutes of the premiere, you get hit over the head with two things that you’re not expecting. The first is that Desmond is on the plane. The second thing that we do is we drop out of the plane and we go below the water and we see that the Island is submerged. What we’re trying to do there is basically say to you, “God bless the survivors of Oceanic 815, because they’re so self-centered, they thought the only effect [of detonating the bomb] was going to be that their plane never crashes.” But they don’t stop to think, “If we do this in 1977, what else is going to affected by this?” So that their entire lives can be changed radically. In fact, it would appear that they’ve sunken the Island. That’s our way of saying, “Keep your eyes peeled for the differences that you’re not expecting.” Some of these characters were still in Australia, but some weren’t. Shannon’s not there. Boone actually says that he tried to get her back. There are all sorts of other people that we don’t see. Where’s Libby? Where’s Ana Lucia? Where’s Eko? These are all the things that you’re supposed to be thinking about. When our characters posited the “What if?” scenario, they neglected to think about what the other effects of potentially changing time might be and we’re embracing those things.

That said, are you saying definitively that detonating Jughead was the event that created this new timeline? Or is that a mystery which the season 6 story will reveal?

LINDELOF: It’s a mystery. A big one.
CUSE: We did have some concern that it might be confusing kind of going into the season. To clear that up a little bit: The archetypes of the characters are the same and that’s the most significant thing. Kate is still a fugitive. If you were to look at the Comic-Con video, for instance, that now comes into play. There was a different scenario in that story. She basically blew up an apprentice plumber as opposed to killing her biological father/stepfather. Those kind of differences exist, but who the characters fundamentally are is the same. If it becomes too confusing for you, you can just follow the flash sideways for what they are. It’s not as though there’s narrative that hangs on the fact that you need to know that this event was different in that world, in the flashback world versus the sideways world. That’s not critical for being able to process the narrative this season.

Is there a relationship between Island reality and sideways reality? Will they run parallel for the remainder of the season? Will they fuse together? Might one fade away?

LINDELOF: For us, the big risk that we’re taking in the final season of the show is basically this very question. [Lindelof then explains the show has replaced the trademark “whoosh!” sound effect marking the segue between Island present story and flashbacks or flash-forwards, thus calling conspicuous attention to the relationship between the Island world and the Sideways world.] This is the critical mystery of the season, which is, “What is the relationship between these two shows?” And we don’t use the phrase “alternate reality,” because to call one of them an “alternate reality” is to infer that one of them isn’t real, or one of them is real and the other is the alternate to being real.
CUSE: But the questions you’re asking are exactly the right questions. What are we to make of the fact that they’re showing us two different timelines? Are they going to resolve? Are they going to connect? Are they going to co-exist in parallel fashion? Are they going to cross? Do they intersect? Does one prove to be viable and the other one not? I think those are all the kind of speculations that are the right speculations to be having at this point in the season.

LINDELOF: But it is going to require patience. We’ve taught the audience how to be patient thus far, so while they’re getting a lot of mythological answers on the island early in the season, this idea of what is the relationship between the two [worlds] is a little bit more of a slow burn.

Did Jughead really sink the Island? And is it possible that the Sideways characters are now caught in a time loop in which they might have to go back in time and fulfill the obligation to continuity by detonating the bomb?

LINDELOF: These questions will be dealt with on the show. Should you infer that the detonation of Jughead is what sunk the island? Who knows? But there’s the Foot. What do you get when you see that shot? It looks like New Otherton got built. These little clues [might help you] extrapolate when the Island may have sunk. Start to think about it. A couple of episodes down the road, some of the characters might even discuss it. We will say this: season 6 is not about time travel. It’s about the implications, the aftermath, and the causality of trying to change the past. But the idea of continuing to do paradoxical storytelling is not what we’re interested in this year.

Source: EW

Latest from Kristin – 3rd Feb

Next Week Will Blow You Away: After you see the final 10 minutes of next week’s episode, it will become increasingly clear what the entire final season of Lost is leading up to. (I smell a war coming on!)
Get Ready for Two Surprising Reappearances: (1) A certain someone you thought was dead will be back, and how he or she returns, and what it means for the future of the other Losties on the island, will have your brain spinning. (2) Someone else appears in Los Angeles next week that I did not know was returning at all, and it’s awesome.
There Will Be Some Shipper Moments Next Week: Kate will have a tender moment with Jack, and she’ll also have a revealing moment with Sawyer, and there will definitely be some clear indication as to where the romantic storylines (or lack thereof) will be heading this season.
Richard Alpert Was a Slave?! The SMIB mentioned that Richard was in chains. There has long been talk that crew of the Black Rock (allegedly a mining vessel) were slaves, and when we’ve visited the ship in the past, skeletons were found shackled together. So was Alpert on the Black Rock? The good news is we will find out. Nestor Carbonell tells me: “You’re going to get all your answers: Why doesn’t he age? Where’s he from? What his powers might be? Who he is? And there is one specific episode that deals with all of that. I was blown away by what they wrote.” Can. Not. Wait.
Claire and Sayid Will Have Something in Common. Something big.
Source: E!Online

Latest from Kristin – 2nd Feb

Kristin’s Red Carpet Interviews from the Premiere Party.

television at its very best. It is, as they say, a There is at least one moment that will make you shriek out loud in tonight’s two-hour Lost premiere, which is “game-changer.”

So what else is in store for this groundbreaking series’ final season? What about Walt? The Smoke Monster? Claire’s relation to Jack? I just chatted up the entire cast and show masterminds Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, and without giving away anything too spoilery (what’s the fun in that?), here’s what you absolutely need to know…

Will We See the Man in Black Again? Smokey? Jacob? Find out in the video above in the fun little game of “False, True or Hell No, I Won’t Tell You” that I played with some of the cast and producers. (I got much more scoop from them but it needs to hold til after the premiere so stand by for that.)

The Premiere Rocks. I’ll say it again: Tonight’s two-hour premiere is my favorite episode since Lost’s groundbreaking pilot five years ago. The show is instantly broader and more meaningful than it was before. It’s as if the fate of the whole world now depends on what is happening on this island…

There Will Be Answers. “Exactly 73 questions will be answered in the final season,” boss Carlton Cuse tells me, and naturally, he’s joking. “We’re going to answer the questions that matter to our characters,” Damon says in all seriousness. “If they care about it, then we’re going to answer it. If it affects their lives, than we’re going to deal with it.”

There Will Be Family Matters. Urkel is guest starring! I keed. When asked if Claire (Emilie de Ravin) will find out Jack is her brother, Matthew Fox tells me, “Yes, I think you’ll get an opportunity to see that.” And here’s my favorite tease from Michael Emerson (Ben) about the final season: “In the 13 episodes [we’ve shot so far], huge chucks of the puzzle have fallen into place. Some quite shocking, and some really satisfying. Some of those puzzle pieces answer whole families of questions. So the audience can have hope for resolution and satisfaction.” When asked if he specifically chose the word “families” for a particular reason, Emerson says knowingly: “You know that nothing is accidental with Lost.” Chills, meet spine.

What About Walt? Though Damon and Carlton say there are no current plans to bring Malcom David Kelley (Walt) back, his onscreen father is hopeful. “I’m hoping he’s the next leader of the island,” Harold Perrineau (Michael) tells me. “He starts it all over again. In 2012, Lost is back with Malcolm. He’s 20 feet tall now and can kick my ass.”

Sayid Might Be OK. His character was shot in the stomach when we last saw him, but as Naveen Andrews says in the clip above, “Lots of people have been in dire situations, right? And somehow, some way they pull through.”
The Very End Will Satisfy Some of You. “The ending we promise you will be very emotional,” Carlton explains. “That’s what we think matters, what happens to the characters.

The Premiere Was Leaked. In case you didn’t hear, the premiere episode was leaked on YouTube via fan videos taken at Sunday’s Hawaii beach event, but here’s the truly incredible thing: Very few of you have actually clicked to watch it (many vidoes received only a few hundred hits), recognizing that you didn’t wait all this time to watch some lame shaky FlipCam version of this visually inspiring series. And that is why I heart you.

Just Wait Till You See Next Week’s Episode. More on that in tonight’s first Lost Redux (should be posted about 10 pm ET/7 pm PT), but I now know what’s in store for next week and in all seriousness could not sleep last night thinking about all the ramifications of it. It will be an entirely different series with an entirely different framework after the end of next Tuesday’s episode.

Why I’m Not Saying More Till You See It: As Daniel Dae Kim puts it, “Because people have waited so long for answers, and because they’re coming out, it’s probably best to be a little more tight-lipped than usual.” Wise words from a guy I adore, so I’m heeding ’em.
That said, I would absolutely love to meet any of you who are interested in “watching” the premiere with me in the comments section below tonight from 8 to 10 pm ET (sorry, West Coasters, but you can read the exchange afterward?). Join me if you’d like, and I’ll answer the questions I can?If you promise to hold me tight when Terry O’Quinn’s big moment is revealed.

Source: E!Online

TV Guide’s 13 Questions with Damon and Carlton Is the reset going to be a theme of this season or are you playing with the audience?
Cuse: I think it wouldn’t be Lost if we weren’t playing with the audience a little bit, but by the end of the premiere, you’ll have a sense of what we’re doing. We’re still doing the same thing we’ve always done on the show, which is island storytelling and off-island storytelling. It just now starts to take on a different form in the final season. Like every season, each season is a distinct entity, so by the end of the premiere, you should have a sense of what Season 6 is shaping up to be like. Michael Emerson said instead of storylines coming together, the threads keep spreading out. Do you feel like everything will come together at the end or will it keep spreading?

Cuse: I’m not sure I agree with Michael. He might have been toying with you, because we do feel like there’s a certain circularity to the show. In the same way that the show started, we’re going to come back around to some of the main characters from the first season of the show. To us, the most important thing is, what are these character’s destinies? What are their fates? What’s going to happen to them? Those are the questions we’re really interested in answering. Along the way, we’re going to tackle some of the mythological biggies, like what’s the smoke monster? You’ll learn more about the nature of the island. You’ll learn more about Jacob and the Man in Black. Those are the things we feel are important as opposed to what kind of research was the Dharma Initiative doing on polar bears. Will there be more on the numbers or will that never really be answered?
Cuse: There is definitely more about the numbers in Season 6. I think it will be an individual decision as to whether you’ll walk away satisfied by the answer because there’s a fundamental conundrum where any question begets another question. It’s the Big Bang conundrum. The universe started with the Big Bang, but once you accept that you ask what came before the Big Bang. So at a certain point you can’t definitively answer a question in a way that doesn’t lead to other questions. Everyone is going to have to find their comfort level with the show. Will the final season be no holds barred? Can anyone die?
Cuse: The mantra of the final season in a certain way is, “Anything can happen, be prepared.” We are nearing the end, so if there are any constraints that govern a series, they really go away in the final season. We always felt like Lost was at its best when it was really surprising. We did things that were unexpected. We do have a few surprises up our sleeves for this season, which we think are really exciting. You already know who is going to die in the end?
Cuse: Yes, we have our game plan for how the season will end. Significant discisions like that have definitely been resolved by now. We’re still writing the scripts, but we, ourselves, know the fates of the characters. What can you say of the Man in Black?
Cuse: People who are curious about the Man in Black will get more answers this season for sure. We recognize that that character is mysterious and cryptic and we promise that we will give you more details about who he is. Is Jacob really dead?
Cuse: Is Jacob really dead? Yeah, I mean we’ve always said that when characters die on Lost they die. He was stabbed, he was dead. Of course, dead characters show up in other incarnations. We have a narrative structure of our show which allows us to have our cake and eat it too. Just because you’re dead doesn’t mean we don’t see you on the show, but was Jacob killed by Ben? The answer is yes. Yes, and Harold Perrineau is among those who’s back despite being dead.
Cuse: Yeah, and he’s back on the show this year, so you’ll see Harold on the show and that’s really exciting for us, but he did die on the freighter. Is Kate going to end up with Jack or Sawyer or end up alone?
Cuse: Well, we know what’s going to happen to her, but we’re not going to tip what’s happening to her. But we definitely know what the resolutions of the characters are and we know that people care a lot about the Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Juliet quadrangle and that will be something that you’ll definitely get some resolution on this season.
Lindelof: And I think it’s great that you actually present that Kate might end up alone as an option, because a lot of people say, “Is it going to be Jack or is it going to be Sawyer?” But that presupposes way too many things that they’re not fully aware of in the final season. So there may be a couple of other options that are in play that people aren’t considering yet.

Full article here: TV Guide

Episode 6.01: LA X (Season premiere) Airdate: February 2, 2010 at 9 p.m.

The sixth-season premiere will present us with two seemingly incompatible storylines: One in which we find out someone we thought was dead is actually alive (Charlotte) in the same time that we last saw him or her, and the other in which we will see Flight 815 again. And these two storylines will go on for a little while (in different decades) from what I hear. (Watch With Kristin) … Desmond will indeed be part of the Season 6 premiere. Source: Lost Spoilers

Jeff: Male, late 20s to 50s, any ethnicity. A polished, sympathetic, and very efficient public relations rep for high-profile company. Has to deliver a piece of bad news to a corporate executive and hides his nervousness behind a professional, reassuring smile. Source: Lost Spoilers … John Hawkes is joining the final season of Lost as a recurring. The Deadwood alum will play Lennon. Lost producers wouldn’t release information on the character. According to the casting breakdown, Lennon is the scruffy, edgy and charismatic spokesperson and translator for the president of a foreign corporation who is far more powerful than it seems from his position. Source: The Hollywood Reporter … The sixth season will begin with an examination of what happened after Juliet seemingly detonated the hydrogen bomb. As usual, [Matthew] Fox said, “It’s very surprising and probably fairly confusing initially to the audience.” Source: Kristin on E!Online

Episode 6.03: What Kate Does (Kate-centric) Airdate: February 9, 2010

TVSquad summarized various spoilers from the two sources: The scenes being filmed at what is supposed to be LAX International Arrivals feature Jack in a suit, a very pregnant Claire, Kate and Dr. Arzt, amongst others. In the third episode, titled “What Kate Does,” Kate and Claire share a cab and their destination is the house of the couple who are set to adopt Aaron. When they reach the couple’s door, the woman says she really wanted to adopt, but that her husband … and then says she can’t have the baby right now. Bad timing, as Claire goes into labor at that exact moment! There will be a taxi cab accident in L.A., but it’s unknown yet if it’s the one Kate and Claire are in, as there are set reports where Kate is driving the cab and other reports saying someone else is. Source: Lost Spoilers and Hawaii Blog

Episode 6.04: The Substitute (Locke-centric) Airdate: February 16, 2010

We learn of a connection between The Smoke Monster and MIB. Fake Locke gets an old friend to join his army. Ben lies to Illana about what happened inside the temple. Jacob is dead and his ashes are collected by someone whose name has 5 letters. Someone tries to persuade Sun to visit the temple claiming that Jin is there. Frank want to try and see if his plane on the other island will still work Sun insists they bury someone properly. Frank makes a comment about the “weirdest funeral ever.” Ben makes a touching speech. Sawyer is drunk when he reunites with a familar face. Someone reveals that they know a lot more about the island than Ben. We find out that Jacob has a child. An old friend crosses paths with someone unexpected off island. Source: Lost Spoilers … Jacob has a child and it’s one of the [following] people: Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Juliet, Hurley, Locke, Michael, Bram, Desmond, Caesar, Illana, Ben, Richard, Sayid. Source: Lost Spoilers

Episode 6.06: Sundown (Sayid-centric)Airdate: March 2, 2010

L.A. Law’s Sheila Kelley has been cast in a recurring role on Lost, has confirmed. Kelley, 45, will play a character named Kendall in the sixth season of Lost. Source: TV Guide Online… Kendall: Described as an “intellectual beauty with a sharp edge to her wit,” she is caught committing corporate espionage and has to lie her way out. Recurring potential. Source: The Ausiello Files

Episode 6.07: Dr. Linus (Ben-centric) Airdate: March 9, 2010

Episode 6.08: Recon Airdate: March 16, 2010

Episode 6.09: Ab Aeterno (Richard-centric) Airdate: March 23, 2010

Some more filming details: episode nine is definitely Alpert-centric, and the Black Rock is definitely a prison ship. Also, we see an Ilana scene taking place at an old hospital in Russia, suggesting that Ilana is tied in with Alpert’s backstory somehow. Separately, there’s a scene with Jin working in a hotel, and Sun was there too. Also filming in the same location was a Keamy/Omar scene, and Mikhail was there and spoke Korean. There was also a Jin scene involving the same community college where Hurley’s asylum was filmed. And a scene at a nice house with Hurley and Alpert. (SpoilersLost)

General spoilers:

Rose and Jack (Matthew Fox) will be reunited. (Watch With Kristin)

Maggie Grace’s (Shannon) absence from the beginning of the new season will be explained by a significant change to Shannon and Boone’s (Ian Somerhalder) backstory. (Watch With Kristin)

Sawyer (Josh Holloway) will smooch someone who is either Kate (Evangeline Lilly) or Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell), and it will happen within the first four hours of the new season. (Watch With Kristin)

We will find out how Mikhail lost his eye. (Michael Ausiello)

A new and exciting twist on the “alternate universe where Flight 815 landed safely” concept: a dapper Sawyer was spotted filming a scene at the upscale Diamond Head restaurant, part of the Lotus hotel, and his lunch companion? Was Charlotte (Rebecca Mader) last seen dying on the island. (Hawaii Weblog)

An ABC spokesperson confirms that there is no deal in place for Maggie Grace to return to Lost at this time. […] I know most of you have heard about the “alt Lost ” this season, and so have I. But I’m also told that the thing that I’m pretty sure needs to happen for “alt Lost ” to happen does not happen. […] “[Rose] and Jack will be reunited, and this time it will feel so good!” […] We already know that Rebecca Mader (Charlotte) is back on Lost in some capacity this season, but what’s the real deal behind her resurrection? “I can’t say,” she tells us with a grin. And just why not? “Because it’s really, really, really, really, really, really exciting and I don’t want to ruin it. It’s too good to say.” (Yes, she really said really that many times!) And on that note, this is the most revealing thing we were able to get out of her: “It’s going to blow people’s heads off.” Source: Kristin on E!Online

Zuleikha Robinson who plays Illana is now a series regular. Source: Lost Spoilers

Rebecca Mader, who was prematurely killed off Lost last season, has agreed to reprise her role of anthropologist Charlotte Lewis. Source: Keck’s Exclusives

Set report spoilers from Celestial Beauty: This is what I managed to find out on the set I visiting during the filming at the High School last week. You already have a few bits of this but here goes. At the school, Alex (Tania Raymonde) is actually a student at this school where Ben is a teacher. She is still “close” to Ben. Also spotted at the school are both, boom boom, Doc Arzt and Rose! No sign of Bernard. One of the new guests that you posted, William Atherton, was on the set. He is actually the Principle of the school, however I’ll leave you with this cryptic snippet. Although he is the principle, that may not actually be his only role! Locke and Ben both work at the School. Source: Lost Spoilers

[Carlton] Cuse tweeted a clue for Lost fans to figure out. “Damon and I are die hard fans of this impeckable actor who keeps the barr high and just signed to guest star on the show. Life is good!” The misspellings were clues leading to the name… William Atherton. In order of the clues: Atherton was in both Die Hard and Die Hard 2, his character’s name in Ghost Busters was Walter Peck, on Desperate Housewives he played Dr. Barr and the 62-year-old actor was also Charlie Crews’ nemesis on Life. Source: TV Guide Online

On the Island, Locke is a true man-about-town… er jungle. Not only is he seen reuniting with a number the original Losties, including the badass, rifle-toting Claire, but he even finds the time to get stabbed by a genuine Iraqi. Source: Lost Spoilers

These are from various episodes from 6.01 up to 6.05 and 6.06: A character you would NOT expect sits next to Jack. Someone becomes ill in the toilet and needs Sayid’s help. Kate “jumps” someone but it is not Sawyer. We’ll see the numbers again in a signifcant and shocking way. Hurley continues to communicate with someone special on the Island. Sayid injuries are healed by something watery. Someone shoots at Flocke and a battle ensues. There are 2 burials. Jack and Kate take Sayid somewhere “Shiney”. Source: Lost Spoilers

Season 6 will showcase “a version of Claire we’ve never seen before – a Rousseau-esque version.” We’ll be in need of a Rousseau fix since the real version will be MIA. According to a Lost insider, the French Lady’s portrayer, Mira Furlan, turned down the show’s request to return for the final season due to a “prior overseas commitment.” Source: The Ausiello Files

You can add Katey Sagal’s name to the list of Lost alums who have jetted off to Hawaii to shoot scenes for the final season. Source: TV Guide Online

[A guest character will be Detective Rasmussen. He] is an investigator who makes a visit to the Hospital that Claire and Kate are in from the previous set reports. The detective may be there to investigate Kate. Source: Lost Spoilers

New Secret Life of the American Teenagers Spoilers: Season 2 Part 2!

January 11, 2010: 2.14 “Til It’s Gone
Griffin and Ashley have a sleepover that involves a shirtless Griffin (Brando Eaton) wearing face cream.
Kathleen (Josie Bissett) and her boyfriend Jeff (Reid Scott) are discovered in bed by his mother, who’s not at all embarrassed by this, as she’s a liberal Democrat. On the other hand, Kathleen is embarrassed.
Ben hides his Italian gal pal Maria (Jordan Monaghan) in his bedroom closet, and when Leo leaves the room, she comes out so they can make out. But Leo discovers the tryst. Maria wants Ben, even though she knows about Amy– and she calls her rich father to get his help. Ben struggles with his feelings for Maria.
While visiting Mimsy’s town, Amy flirts with a boy named Jimmy (Shane William Zwiner) in the grocery store. Jimmy gives Amy the nickname “Pimento.” He’s the son of Anne’s high school boyfriend, Josh (Mitch Rouse), who wants Anne to kiss him.
Ricky informs Amy he’s going to seek legal visitation rights to John. Adrian’s dad Reuben will help Ricky. Ricky kisses Zoe (7th Heaven’s Mackenzie Rosman).
Jack thinks Grace is cheating on him by masturbating. She doesn’t care what he thinks, because she’s in a great mood. Grace spices up her first time with herself by spreading her bed with flower petals.

January 18, 2010: 2.15 “Loved and Lost”
Upon discovering that Ricky cheated on her, Adrian takes out her anger on the butcher shop window. Ricky and Adrian fight about money. Ricky apologizes to Adrian for cheating on her, and they kiss.
Grace learns from Jack that he’s dating Madison.
Tammy’s parents come to Kathleen, as Tom (Luke Zimmerman) and Tammy have broken up. We learn Tom wanted sex from Tammy, and wasn’t simply happy with having phone sex. Tom announces to Tammy’s parents and his family that he’s going to marry Adrian because they love each other; Tom’s come to this conclusion because Adrian came to him for money and he gave it to her.
Amy and Ben attempt to fix their relationship.

January 25, 2010: 2.16 “Just Say Me”
Madison (Renee Olstead) has written a novella that draws on her experiences; we suspect it’s about her sex life. Jesse (Austin Stowell) asks Lauren (Camille Winbush) out on a date.
Grace has come up with a new sexual movement called Just Say Me, which is all about masturbation. The girls at school love it, while the guys feel threatened. It makes the news.
Ashley tells Griffin she doesn’t want a boyfriend.
Ben and Amy have recently split up. Amy admits to Ben she and Adrian are friends now, and both Adrian and Amy are interested in taking care of themselves and not worrying about others. A girl asks Ben for help with her Italian homework. Amy pointedly tells the girl that Ben’s very good with Italians. Amy runs into Jimmy again, this time at school, as Jimmy’s heard about Grace’s club.

February 1, 2010: 2.17 “The Second Time Around”
Amy kisses Jimmy. When she accidentally leaves her purse behind and Jimmy goes to return it, he discovers she has condoms in her purse.
Griffin (Brando Eaton) sends Ashley a pizza; more specifically, he sends her his cousin, a pizza delivery boy who’s 16, named Grant (Grant Harvey), who falls madly for Ashley at first sight. The two may make out before the night’s over.
Will George and Anne get back together? George heads to Mimsy’s house to see Anne; instead, he finds Anne’s high school sweetheart Josh there. When Anne heads back home to see George, she sees him chatting with a woman.
Moose has impregnated the dog of a neighbor, Micki.

February 8, 2010: 2.18 “Let’s Try That Again”
We’ll meet four key characters’ parents for the first time: Lauren’s mother Deborah; Madison’s father Morgan; Madison’s Asian-American stepmother Elaine; and Jack’s hot mother Gigi.
Jimmy hasn’t called back Amy, and Adrian’s insecure about this because she fears a single Amy will connect with Ricky. The problem may have more to do with the condoms Jimmy found in Amy’s purse.
Madison bonds with her stepmother while talking about Jack. Jack and Madison are a couple, but he’s thinking of reuniting with Grace because he thinks she needs him. Jack’s mom prefers Madison, while Jack’s stepdad Reverend Stone (Tom Virtue) gives his advice.
Kathleen may be engaged or thinking about it by now.
Leo and Betty (Jennifer Coolidge) are planning their upcoming nuptials. Leo (Steve Schirripa) and Ben discuss Ben’s possible interest in Grace.
Amy and Lauren get Dr. Fields (Ernie Hudson) to take George out to dinner as a quasi-therapy session, but things are turned around and Dr. Fields talks to George about how much he dislikes his ex-wife’s husband. Anne thinks both she and George need to go to a therapist because something big has happened to them.

February 15, 2010: 2.19
Amy and Ricky kiss. When Adrian thinks Ricky and Amy had sex, she sleeps with Ben.
Several characters attend a mother/daughter dance at the high school gym.

February 22, 2010: 2.20 “Mistakes Were Made”
Adrian admits to Ricky that she slept with Ben, and she’s surprised when Ricky tells her he only kissed Amy. Ricky’s angry.
At work, several customers note Ben looks depressed.

March 1, 2010: 2.21 “Choices”
Ricky visits a squalid Hollywood hotel in search of his mother. The man at the desk claims not to have seen Ricky’s mother Nora in years, but he’s lying, and calls Nora to inform her what happened. Nora is or was a drug-using hooker. Oh, and Ricky’s car is piled high with his stuff.

March 8, 2010: 2.22
No specific spoilers the show will probably build towards the custody hearing in the next episode.

March 15, 2010: 2.23 “I Got You, Babe”
There’s a custody hearing for John! Ben has nice things to say about both Amy and Ricky as parents.
Adrian doesn’t speak up on Ricky’s behalf because she and Ricky aren’t speaking to each other.
Before the mediator can provide his recommendation, Amy makes a decision.

March 22, 2010: 2.24 “Ben There, Done That” (season finale)
Happy birthday to John!
Mimsy’s back — and she has a new, black husband.
Lauren tells her love interest Jesse that her entire family hates him.
Months ago, Ken Baumann (Ben) said that something big would happen with Ben near the end of the season. Given the title of the episode, we suspect it happens in either this episode or the previous one.
There might be a wedding . . . or two . . . or more? We’re not sure if the show will have any single adults once the season’s over!
The tradition of no one being able to keep a secret continues, as Adrian told Grace something; Grace told Jack; and Jack told Madison. And we can’t be sure, but given Madison’s former history, we suspect Madison told everyone else. Adrian’s secret may or may not be related to the fact that her father thinks she looks ill.

General Spoilers:
There might be another pregnancy.
A major story involving Leo kicks off near the start of the season as Betty makes a major turn.
Grace and Ben either kiss or come close to kissing. We don’t believe anything else actually happens between them,
though, given his makeout session with Maria and his sleeping with Adrian.
Charles Robinson (Mac from Night Court) will appear in a recurring role.
We believe Mayim Bialik appears again as Dr. Wilhelmina Bink again this season after her initial appearance on
January 4, next appearance unknown.
Kristin Bauer, known best these days as Pam on True Blood, will guest star in an upcoming episode. We don’t know yet who she’s playing.
Danny Pintauro, best known as the kid from Who’s The Boss?, will guest star in an upcoming episode.
Shawn Johnson will return to the show in 2010, in scenes with Jack and Grace. Her first appearance was as herself, but this time she’s playing a character. We believe she’ll appear somewhere around the time that Grace organizes Just Say Me.
Source for Spoilers:

CW previewing ‘Life Unexpected’ on Facebook

The CW will put the first 10 minutes of its new drama “Life Unexpected” online a week before its linear debut.

Starting Jan. 11, the network is putting an extended preview across all official CW fan pages.  The approach marks the first time that Facebook has hosted a screening across multiple pages, with “Unexpected” available to the network’s 5.4 million Facebook fans. The move allows CW to directly target its most dedicated viewers online. The network is partnering with video provider Ustream for the effort. Fans who catch the “Unexpected” preview during the first 24 hours will be able to leave comments as they watch.

“Unexpected” is the story of a 15-year-old foster child who moves back in with her biological parents. The series debuts on the CW on Monday, Jan. 18.
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Peoples Choice: The Winners & Vampire Diaries Named Favorite New TV Drama

Favorite Talk Show
The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Favorite Comedy Movie
“The Proposal”

Favorite R&B Artist
Mariah Carey

Favorite TV Comedy Actor
Steve Carell (The Office)

Favorite TV Comedy Actress
Alyson Hannigan (How I Met Your Mother)

Favorite TV Comedy
The Big Bang Theory

Favorite Country Artist
Carrie Underwood

Favorite TV Drama Actor
Hugh Laurie (House)

Favorite TV Drama

Favorite Movie Actress
Sandra Bullock

Favorite Action Star
Hugh Jackman

Favorite Independent Film
“Inglourious Basterds”

Favorite Breakout Movie Actor
Taylor Lautner

Favorite Male Artist
Keith Urban

Favorite Web Celeb
Ashton Kutcher

Favorite New TV Drama
Vampire Diaries

Favorite New TV Comedy

Favorite Female Artist
Taylor Swift

Favorite Movie Actor
Johnny Depp