Desperate Housewives Major Spoiler: Jackson Dies in the Fire!

Jackson dies in the fire, let’s ignore TV Guide’s pondering that it would be MJ; Susan and Mike’s son is part of their bond, and will end up being one of the reasons they do get back together.

I’ve heard that Susan loses a loved one in the big fire on Desperate Housewives. Can you give any hint as to whom it might be?
Mickey: While all signs point to it being Jackson, at the risk of sounding like a monster, I hope it’s M.J., if only because I think it would be bold dramatic territory for the show – and Teri Hatcher – to cover. And Marc Cherry has already hinted at just such a morbid storyline. It’s just that we all assumed he was talking about Lynette since she has so many offspring to spare. But what if…?  — TV Guide

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  1. Ambermay

     /  November 3, 2008

    Leave Jackson and Susan alone!!! I’ll throw up if her son dies. That is just to morbid. She’s already lost her marriage and 1/2 her mind after the first accident where the passangers died.
    I don’t think Marc would go there again. It would be foolish, old, and it would truly make me despise the show.
    I hope it’s not Jackson, since he’s my favorite character. I also like the chemisty he has with his woman! (or men!)

  2. bella

     /  November 3, 2008

    i would HATE it if julie dies

  3. alisa

     /  November 9, 2008

    Gale Harold who plays Jackson is the reason I continue watching Desperate Housewives! He is one of the most talented actors–He was amazing in Queer as Folk. So Marc Cherry would lose a lot of fans by getting rid of Jackson’s character. There is such a great chemistry between Jackson & Susan, much better than there is between Mike & Susan.

  4. cheyenne

     /  November 13, 2008

    It is Jackson who dies. The character who plays him in real life was seriously injured in a car accident and the writers needed a way to get him off the show. SORRY

  5. alisa

     /  November 15, 2008

    Cheyenne, I hope and pray that your sources are wrong. I am so sad to hear of Gale’s accident but I read that he is recovering and is out of intensive care.

  6. joieAnn

     /  November 16, 2008

    I heard it was Julie, because that one guy is out of the hospital and fine, last thing i heard

  7. I just read from folks on the East Coast that it is the visiting doctor who dies and possibly someone else in the 11/15/08 episode of DH.

    I agree with so many regarding Gale Harold: It would be very foolish to have him die…he is pulling in a HUGE draw of fans from QAF and if he were to be killed off, DH would loose market share and significant fans.

    Gale is an incredible actor with great depth and range. I was totally taken aback when I heard of his accident and am relieved to hear he is greatly improving. I look forward to seeing him back on DH very soon.

    If we are lucky, Gale’s appearance on DH is just a prelude to more, exciting and creative projects for him in the near future. I would absolutely love to see him in a block-buster, big screen movie!

    Get well soon Gale…and please be careful with that “ride” of yours in the future!

  8. joieAnn

     /  November 18, 2008

    I think it is going to be JUlie

  9. Amy

     /  November 29, 2008

    I don’t think MJ or Julie will die, that would be really morbid !
    i don’t agree with you when you say Susan and Jackson have more chemestry that Susan and Mike !!!! i think Marc Cherry wants us to believe that somthing will happen to Jackson but then something REALLY unexpected will happen. All ido no is that Carlos gets his sight back (that i gonna be F.U.N.N.Y)

  10. Ani

     /  December 5, 2008

    I have a feeling it’s Julie =[

  11. Mousey

     /  February 9, 2009

    Uhm none of those people died!!!! and Gale Harold was in a motorcycle accident, he’ll be back as soon as he heals up.

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