Ghost Whisperer Spoilers: More on what’s in Melinda and Jim’s future after he died

Source: Buddy TV

Read More: More Ghost Whisperer Spoilers: Episodes After Jim Dies….

Ghost WhispererGhost Whisperer has been going through major adjustments these days, and the show’s audiences are bursting with emotion about it.  With that, the executives of the series have taken the time to explain their side of the story.  Perhaps in an effort to calm everyone down, the showrunners offered a few hints of where exactly Ghost Whisperer is heading.

“David Conrad is very important to the show.  Jim is a character that is in the core of the storytelling, and he is not leaving the show: not in any way, shape or form,” executive producer Kim Moses declared.

He and fellow executive producer Ian Sanders are highly aware of the viewers’ reactions to the Melinda-Jim relationship.  Though many might disagree, they’ve assured fans that they’re set to recapture that special something which made audiences fond of the pair.

“We’re going to reboot Jim and Melinda’s love story so that the audience can experience them falling in love from the very beginning.” Moses said.

Sanders continued, “This was a way of going back and giving them a courtship, if you will, and a [romance], in a way that we think is very dramatic and very exciting.”  As many might know, Sanders took on the directorial helm for the next episode, “Heart and Soul.”  Airing tomorrow, it focuses on the evolving story arc focusing on Jim’s departure from his mortal figure.  Melinda continues to deal with her loss – and gain – as she faces a new life with a new Jim.

“We realized that we want to give their relationship more screen time,” said Moses. “And so we have to balance out the ghosts, and the way to do it is to take the journey that we’re taking.  And so what we want the audience to know is this is about hope, because very few people get a second chance at true love, and that’s what this journey is about.”

With the New Jim, how will events play out on Ghost Whisperer?  It’s a wonder if the fans’ curiosity is all that’s keeping them from switching channels, or is it loyalty to the series itself?  Whatever happens, the producers have taken the risk and the changes are going to reverberate throughout the season.